Please refer to this link for EPCS (Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances).
Objective and Explanation of this Document:
Name Verification: If you are prompted to go through the webcam process with Exostar, please make sure that the name being used is the same name that shows on your legal document (driver’s license or passport). You must use the name as shown on your legal document. If you do not use your name as shown on your legal document and are given webcam for a proofing option, you will NOT be approved and will need to re-attempt proofing.
Let’s Begin!
Subscribe for EPCS:
In NewCrop screens, click on the Admin tab and then click “Prescriber Registration and EPCS Set Up”:
If you pay you EHR directly for EPCS services, you will not see the payment screens below. Please proceed to page 10where you will start with input of the provider’s home address and email.
Click “Sign up for EPCS Services”:
Check the check boxes next to the provider(s) you wish to register, and click the “Calculate” button at the bottom of the screen:
Click the “Purchase” link to transfer to PayPal:
(Click “Re-select Subscribers” to add or omit subscribers.)
Click “Transfer to PayPal Portal”:
You can make payment in PayPal either using your PayPal account OR by paying as a Guest.
If you have an existing PayPal account, click “Have a PayPal Account” and enter the PayPal email and password to log in:
Review the PayPal electronic Communications Delivery Policy Consent, check the agreement box and then click the “Agree and Continue”:
Review your payment information and click the “Pay Now” button:
To pay as a Guest (if you do not have a PayPal account), click on “Don’t have a PayPal account?” and enter the credit card and billing information. Click “Review and Continue”:
(The address entered should be the same address where the billing statement is sent for the card used. A receipt will be email to you.)
Review your payment information and click the “Pay Now” button:
After a successful transaction, you will see the message “You just completed your payment.”
You will receive a confirmation email from PayPal. You may also print a receipt by clicking the “Print Receipt link in the top, left corner of the screen.
Click the NewCrop tab on your browser to return to the NewCrop Screens. Click the “Click here after your PayPal transaction is complete” link at the bottom of the screen to return to the registration screens:
Click this link one more time, if prompted with the same screen. You will be returned to the Prescriber Registration and EPCS Set Up Page.
Enter your name, HOME and email address and click Save. Before clicking save, verify the following: